Workshop med Dr Inga-Britt Krause

Workshop med Dr Inga-Britt Krause        Et bilde som inneholder person, briller, har på seg, smilende

Automatisk generert beskrivelse


Titel: Connecting Across Culture in Systemic Psychotherapy


Vi har inviteret Dr Inga-Britt Krause igen, efter at hun holdt et inspirerende oplæg på STOK´s  Årsmøde i november 2024. Hendes oplæg bliver holdt på engelsk.


Dato: Fredag d.21. marts 2025 8 30-16 00

Plads: Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, Fælledvej 12, 2200 Nørrebro

Pris: Medlemmer 750 kr., ikke medlemmer 900 kr., inkl. fuld forplejning 

Tilmelding: STOK´s hjemmeside

Indhold: In this session we will think about and discuss what cross-cultural mental health and social work demands of us as practitioners. We will consider what we mean by culture and difference and what our approaches tell us about our assumptions about personhood, subjectivity and the relationship between internal and external processes. If we feel it is relevant Britt Krause will present exercises which may help to think about  the concepts of ‘race’ and ‘culture’. Participants are encouraged to bring their own clinical material and practice examples. These examples as well as BK’s own, which may present dilemmas for us as practitioners, will provide a basis for a dialogue between participants throughout the day.


Dr Inga-Britt Krause is an anthropologist and a Consultant Systemic Psychotherapist at the Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust where, until recently,  she was the Lead of the Professional Doctorate in Systemic Psychotherapy. She has conducted ethnographic fieldwork in Nepal and with the Punjabi community in the UK and has helped set up cross-cultural therapy services in London as well as worked as a Consultant for Race & Equity. She has been Visiting Professor at University of Bergamo and a member of the Norwegian Research Group Shrinking the Planet at the Anthropology Department, University of Oslo. Currently she is the Lead of the Tavistock/CAMHRA partnership based at School of Oriental and African Studies, London. Her books include Therapy Across Culture, Sage 1998; Culture and Family Therapy, Karnac 2002; Culture and Reflexivity in Systemic Psychotherapy, Karnac 2012; Culture and Madness, Jessica Kingsley, 2015, with Dr Begum Maitra; Urban Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, A responsive Approach to Communities, Routledge 2016 with Taiwo Afuape and  Ethical and Aesthetic Explorations of Systemic Practice, Routledge, 2022 co-authored with Pietro Barbetta, Maria-Esther Cavagnis & Umberta Telfner. She has published many articles in the field of family and systemic psychotherapy and research.